How to post a Good Ad to get response?
Follow below tips to get a good response for your Ad:
- Correct category : Choose an appropriate category for the product or service you are selling. Correct category will help buyers to easily find your Ad. The category may get changed automatically if not found correct.
- Good Ad Title : Ad title will be displayed on your Ad template. So, a good title will attract more visitor to click on your Ad. Which can eventually increase your sales.
- Detailed Ad Description : Write a detailed description of the product or service you are selling. Information such as condition, make and design, quality, purchase date, color, ownership and similar details can be added. It will help buyers to understand clearly about your products or services you are offering.
- Clear Ad Images : Include upto 5 images that describe about your product or service to enhance your Ad performance.
- Contact Information : Include correct phone number and location information. It will make easy for the buyers to approach you.